Executive summary
Below is a sample of our recent work advising organisations in relation to hydrogen developments.
transport operator
Advising a UK transport operator on the installation of electric charging infrastructure and hydrogen energy.
Advising Irish renewable energy consultancy Galetech on a review of the regulatory issues of exporting hydrogen between the UK, Ireland and Belgium.
A French
green energy fund
Advising a French green energy fund on a significant investment
in a UK-based hydrogen
projects business.
Capital Partners
Advising SWEN through its
SWIFT 2 fund on its investment in GeoPura, a green hydrogen business that replaces fossil fuels with zero emission alternatives in power generation applications.
A French fund
Advising a French fun on a
€40.5 million funding package
for a green hydrogen energy solutions provider.
Advising VoltH2 on the drafting of a PPA and supplier selection relating to a hydrogen energy project in Belgium and the Netherlands.
Refuelling Solutions
Advising on HRS' IPO on the Euronext Growth Paris market
with a market cap of €383.6 million, the largest ever
float on this market.
Energy Agency
Advising the Flemish Energy Agency in an investigation of regional and federal
competences regarding
hydrogen energy.
de France
Advising HDF Energy, a world pioneer in hydrogen electricity,
on their IPO on the regulated market of Euronext Paris.